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Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the use of medications, in combination with therapy, to provide a “whole-patient” approach to the treatment of opioid addiction. MAT is designed to provide clients the opportunity to stabilize from opiate use disorder and further engage in the recovery process.
Our program is an office-based, outpatient treatment service for adults over the age of 18. This model of opioid agonist treatment seeks to integrate the treatment of opioid addiction into general medical and psychiatric care. We work very closely with case management and outpatient therapy to offer comprehensive care to our clients.
Bangor Campus: Medicated Assisted Treatment now available at 68 Mount Hope Avenue Bangor, Maine 04401. Both Clinical and Medical providers available Monday through Friday. To schedule an intake please call 207-770-5457 EXT 1, intakes are currently being scheduled Monday through Friday, offering appointments same day or next day.
Lead: Lauren Waycott at Cedar Road cedarroad@wabanakiphw.org
Millinocket Campus: We’re thrilled to share that we’re expanding our Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) services to serve the entire Millinocket region, including non-indigenous individuals! Please check back for program updates to get more information on how to schedule an intake appointment.
Lead: Lauren Waycott at The Healing Lodge thehealinglodge@wabanakiphw.org
More information coming soon.
An office-based MAT service, based on an integrated care delivery model provided by a team of providers focused on whole-person treatment, this service includes, but is not limited to, counseling, care coordination, medication-assisted treatment, peer recovery support, urine drug screening, and medical consultation for individuals who have been diagnosed with an opioid dependency and other chronic conditions. OHH services are available for eligible MaineCare clients and uninsured individuals with opioid use disorder. OHH is defined as a rehabilitative service that is to be provided in the context of a supportive relationship, pursuant to an individual treatment plan that promotes a person’s recovery from Opioids and other co-occurring conditions.