
WPHW holds Total Solar Eclipse Event

On Monday, April 8th, the skies danced with the sun and moon at our beloved Lodge, creating an unforgettable experience for all. Our Millinocket Solar Eclipse Celebration was a symphony of drumming, dancing, and pure joy that filled our hearts. Every beat of the drum resonated with the pulse of nature, creating a magical experience. We are grateful to the amazing drum group, Turning Eagle. Their presence brought an indescribable dimension to our day. Kci Woliwon!
We hold a heartfelt appreciation to our dedicated team, who make every WPHW event possible. Saige Purser, Senior Director of the Center for Wabanaki Culture & Connection, and Macy Flanders, our events coordinator, whose role continues to expand, orchestrated an extraordinary day for all of us. Their creativity and commitment to each visitor made every moment memorable.
Let’s carry this feeling forward, remembering that in every moment, magic is waiting to be discovered. 🌠💫